Artist’s impression of how the new Pre-Prep building may look

The Design

We want to deliver a new Pre-Prep that is attractive and welcoming, in keeping with the quality and scale of the local area and consistent with the character of this part of the Dulwich Village Conservation Area.

The proposed buildings have therefore been designed to fit in with their surroundings by incorporating pitched roofs and using building materials that reflect nearby properties. The buildings will be set back from the street in line with the adjacent buildings. 

The Pre-Prep will encompass a three-storey main teaching block and a separate, double-height hall. A low-level canopy will be incorporated to create a welcoming entrance to the school reception and to provide a covered external connection between the buildings.

JAGS Pre-Prep Proposals. Illustration showing the proposed external material palette

Illustration showing the proposed external material palette

Our approach to design and landscaping has been informed by pre-application discussions with Planning Officers at Southwark Council.


The proposed Pre-Prep buildings will be complemented by a rich and stimulating landscape design that inspires, excites and is cherished by pupils, staff and visitors. It is important that the landscape design provides maximum opportunities for pupils’ physical, social and emotional development.

Our design ambitions and concepts include:

  • Natural play - Protecting and enhancing the existing setting with integrated play and wild garden

  • Integrated physical activity - Flexible landscape for both PE and free play

  • Outdoor learning - Encouraging time spent outdoors and engagement with the natural world

  • Tree protection - Protecting and retaining trees where possible and replacing any loss of trees elsewhere on the site

  • Connections - Improving the Pre-Prep connections to the wider school setting and linking to the rejuvenation of the historic Botany Gardens.

Illustrated proposed landscape plan

The Welcome Garden and planting to the front of the new school building will provide a green buffer to the street, softening the building into the setting and providing a valuable contribution to street greening.

The layered planting approach with semi-mature tree planting, includes evergreen hedge planting, a lush mix of ornamental and native buffer planting and sensory planting, to provide benefits to both people and wildlife.

The low wall and railings will be a continuation to match the adjacent existing school boundary treatment, providing an attractive and secure boundary whilst allowing planting within the school site to soften the view along the frontage.

JAGS Pre-Prep proposals. Cross-section illustration of landscaping plan

Cross-section illustration of landscaping plan, above: existing landscaping, below: proposed landscaping

Site Circulation

The topography of the site has been considered to ensure ease of access, taking into account sight lines to the main building and pupil entrances. It is important that the new Pre-Prep provides good pedestrian links between the Senior School and wider school site. A variety of safe routes are therefore proposed around and through the Pre-Prep to improve connectivity and provide level access for all.

Encouraging Active Travel

JAGS currently operates a School Travel Plan and has achieved Gold Accreditation through the TfL Travel for Life (formerly STARS) programme. We also continue to monitor, promote and encourage active and sustainable travel and lifestyles as part of our operations and curriculum.

Our research shows that around 80% of Pre-Prep pupils travel to school via active or sustainable modes of transport (walking, cycling, scooting and public transport). Further provisions to encourage active travel within the Pre-Prep include expanding the bicycle and scooter storage for pupils, staff and visitors/parents. The combination of the Travel for Life programme and additional incentives and provisions seeks to reduce the number of vehicles using local roads at peak times (school drop off and pick up). We will continue to operate staggered start and finish times for the three sections of the school to mitigate the intensity of these activities.

The proposed Pre-Prep will not include additional staff car parking and Pre-Prep pupils do not travel to or from school by coach, therefore no further coaches will be required.

A thorough Transport Assessment is being undertaken to address specific transport issues identified by the Borough. This will be submitted as part of the planning application.

Environment and Sustainability

JAGS Pre-Prep proposals. Illustration showing some of the sustainable design features on the proposed new buildings

Illustration showing some of the sustainable design features proposed for the new buildings

We have been working closely with our environmental consultants to develop the sustainability, energy and environmental strategy to ensure we deliver a building that is efficient and sustainable.

The design is currently in line with guidance from the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) and meets the requirements of the Greater London Authority’s (GLA’s) London Plan and the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) – rating ‘Excellent’.

We aim to reduce the building’s carbon emissions, by applying a passive design approach for daylighting, ventilation and cooling where applicable. Applying further initiatives such as heating via Air Source Heat Pumps and electricity generated through renewable and low carbon sources will reduce the school’s wider emissions. The building has been designed to achieve Net Zero in Operation as the grid decarbonises. It is powered only by electricity, which is increasingly generated through renewable and low carbon sources.